Saturday, January 22, 2011

Pics of Westin

Here are some pictures of Westin after his bath.  He is still sleeping 10-12 hours a night and growing so quickly.  We have his 4 month check-up in a week and a half. 

More Monster Trucks

                                         Reed and Bart
Trey and Bart took the boys to the Monster Truck Jam in San Antonio last weekend.  The show started at 2:00 and this just so happens to be William's nap time.  I am not sure how he was able to sleep through such a loud event. 

William and Westin

                             All snuggled up in Westin's baby bed. 

My sweet little boys.  Westin is now 3 1/2 months and William is 3 1/2 years old.  William is a great big brother and I am looking forward to the friendship that will be created over the years.